viernes, 17 de abril de 2020


Hello!! How are you today?

Let´s keep on learning together!! 
Sigamos aprendiendo juntos!

First, visit this link to have some  practice: 
Primero, visiten el link para repasar

Second, print the school timetable. Its not necessary to copy it, if not.  
Segundo, impriman el horario. No es necesario que lo copien si no lo pueden imprimir.

Third, copy and read the sentences and answer TRUE OR FALSE in your folders
Tercero, copien y lean las  oraciones y respondan VERDADERO O FALSO en sus carpetas

Finally, send your answers to Don´t forget to write your name and grade!!
Finalmente, enviame tus respuestas a No te olvides de escribir tu nombre y grado!!

Miss Vale

1- I have P.E. on Thursday.
2- I have art on Monday and Friday.
3- I have maths on Tuesday and Wednesday.
4- I have English on Thursday and Friday
5- I have music on Tuesday and Friday.

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